Zend Framework 2

We have implemented a module which you can hook into your Zend Framework 2 application. This module basically wraps the phpab/phpab library and adds some additional functionality which makes it possible to fully integrate the library into your application while keeping support for all ZF2 functionality.


Simply install the module using Composer:

composer require phpab/phpab-module

Next make sure the module is actually loaded by adding PhpAbModule to application config in config/application.config.php.

Installation without Composer is not officially supported.


Copy over the dist configuration file that is provided in the module.

cp vendor/phpab/phpab-module/config/phpab.global.php.dist config/autoload/phpab.global.php

You can edit this file to your needs.

Configuration Options


The name of the service that loads the data collector. A data collector collects information about which tests and variants are started for a user.

The default value is phpab.default_analytics_collector. You can either change this value or change the service that gets loaded in the service manager.


The name of the service that loads the analytics handler. A handler uses the collected data and writes it away.

The default value is phpab.default_analytics_handler. You can either change this value or change the service that gets loaded in the service manager.


When creating tests, you pass a filter which decides if a user should participate. When no filter is passed to tests, the default filter is used. That default filter can be configured with this configuration option.

This is the name of the service that loads the default filter. The default value is phpab.default_filter. You can either change this value or change the service that gets loaded in the service manager.


Like with the ['phpab']['default_filter'] option, the same applies for default variant chooser.

This is the name of the service that loads the default filter. The default value is phpab.default_filter. You can either change this value or change the service that gets loaded in the service manager.


The storage type to use. Supported values are:

  • cookie: Stores the participations in a cookie;
  • runtime: Stores the participations only for the current request;
  • session: Stores the participations in a session.


An array with options for the storage type. Different options are required per storage type:

  • name: The name of the cookie. This value is required.
  • ttl: The lifetime of the cookie in seconds. This value is required.


This storage has no options.


  • name: The name of the session. This value is required.


This is a map with tests that exist within the application. The key of each element represents the name of the test. The value should be an array with options. A test has the following options:

  • filter: The name of the service that loads the participation filter.
  • variant_chooser: The name of the service that loads the variant chooser.
  • variants: A map with variants that can be chosen from.

The filter and variant_chooser work the same as the default filter and default variant chooser.

The map with variants is an array where each key represents the name of the variant. The value of the variant is an array with variant options. Each variant can have one of the following options:

  • type: The type of the variant.
  • options: An array with options for the variant type.


The module supports the following variant types:


The callback variant will invoke a callback when activated. It has one required option called callback:

'my-variant' => [
    'type' => 'callback',
    'options' => [
        'callback' => function() {

Event Manager

The event manager variant will attach a listener to an event manager when executed. Since the phpab engine is started at the startup of the application, you can listen to every event.

'my-variant' => [
    'type' => 'event_manager',
    'options' => [
        'event_manager' => 'my_event_manager',
        'event' => 'my_event',
        'priority' => 100,
        'callback' => function() {

Only the event and the callback options are required. When no event_manager option is provided, the event manager from the application is used. The default value for the priority option is 0.

When the callback is a string and is not a callable function, it will be loaded from the service manager. In other words, you can specify a valid service name as well.


The simple variant will note execute any further logic when activated.

'my-variant' => [
    'type' => 'simple',

Service Manager

The service manager variant is a fallback variant. When the type is not known, it will try to load the variant from the service manager with the type as the service name.

'my-variant' => [
    'type' => 'my_service_name',

Alternatively you can specify the service name straight away like this:

'my-variant' => 'my_service_name',

Configuration Example

return [
    'phpab' => [
        'storage' => 'cookie',
        'storage_options' => [
            'name' => 'phpab',
            'ttl' => 3600,
        'tests' => [
            'button-test' => [
                'filter' => 'phpab.default_filter',
                'variant_chooser' => 'phpab.default_variant_chooser',
                'variants' => [
                    '_control' => [
                        'type' => 'simple',
                    'alternative' => [
                        'type' => 'simple'