Storage and adapters

When a user visits the application, the participation manager decides whether or not the user will participate in a test. And if so, in which test the user will participate. That choice will be remembered so that the user will have the same experience even when the page is reloaded.

In order to remember that choice PhpAb make use of storage providers. You can configure the library to use a specific storage adapter.

The Cookie storage provider saves the tests and variants in which the user participates, in a cookie. Only one cookie is used and you can configure the name and lifetime of it.


use PhpAb\Storage\Adapter\Cookie;
use PhpAb\Storage\Storage;
use PhpAb\Participation\Manager;

// Create a Storage and its Adapter
$adapter = new Cookie('phpab');
$storage = new Storage($adapter);

// Create a Participation Manager
$manager = new Manager($storage);


Decide the name and the ttl of the cookie:

$nameOfCookie = 'myCookie';
$ttl = 86400; // in seconds
$adapter = new Cookie($nameOfCookie, $ttl);



This implements Aura Sessions library, reason which it must be include as external dependency. To add it simply use composer as:

composer require phpab/storage-aurasession


use PhpAb\Storage\Adapter\AuraSession;
use PhpAb\Storage\Storage;
use PhpAb\Participation\Manager;

// Create a Storage and its Adapter
$adapter = new AuraSession();
$storage = new Storage($adapter);

// Create a Participation Manager
$manager = new Manager($storage);


The AuraSession storage provider remembers the choices just for the current session. When a new session is generated, the choices of the tests are cleared and phpab will re-evaluate if the user should participate.


The Runtime storage provider remembers the choices only for the current request. It could be useful to use this provider for testing or development. In production you should avoid this storage provider.

use PhpAb\Storage\Adapter\Runtime;
use PhpAb\Storage\Storage;
use PhpAb\Participation\Manager;

// Create a Storage and its Adapter
$adapter = new Runtime();
$storage = new Storage($adapter);

// Create a Participation Manager
$manager = new Manager($storage);
